Wild Coast White Wine Label Competition
I am sure you have been wondering about the actual winner of the wine label competition! We now have our labels made, the wine finished and a team of volunteers and employees from the office met to fill and label the bottles. The wine is on the shelf at a number of locations in Port Angeles, WA and at the Wind Rose Cellars storefront in Sequim, WA.
The winner of the competition was Jay Cline.
This what he wrote about who he is and the photo he took:
Amateur photographer since the film days back in college. I worked for newspapers all my life, not in the newsroom but in production and computers. I now use my camera to keep me entertained and outside in my retirement. I also am staff photographer for Clallam County Fire District 2.
I’ve always liked the challenge of taking photos and when I heard there would be a wind storm at La Push in January I decided to drive out and see what I could capture. I drove to the parking lot near the Quillayute River, the wind was blowing so hard I had difficulty getting my car door open. Waves were crashing over the driftwood piled above the high tide line on First Beach, waves were reaching the tree line on James Island and small logs were being tossed into the parking lot where we stood, all of us in the parking lot were holding cameras. I was able to snap a few photos of the wild waves before tribal police officers told the few brave souls near me to quickly leave, they then closed the parking lot for the day.

Thanks again for all of you who participated.
Deborah Moriarty
(P.S. We bottled 65 cases and they are selling like hotcakes – order yours now through Wind Rose Cellars! Oh, yes, 15% of sales go to support ocean conservation efforts.)